Calvin Studies Society published the proceedings of its colloquia after each meeting during the years 1976-2005 (these volumes have been digitized and are in the process of being made available on the Society website).
Beginning in 2007, the presentations were published as edited volumes, and the links to are provided.
2017 COLLOQUIUM: Brian C. Brewer and David M. Whitford, eds., calvin and the early reformation (BRILL, 2020)
“Calvin and the Early Reformation” by David M. Whitford
“Calvin, Erasmus, and Humanist Theology” by Greta Grace Kroeker
“The Intellectual, Political, and Legal Milieu In France During The Life Of John Calvin” by James K. Farge
“Sixteenth-Century French Legal Education and Calvin’s Legal Education” by Christoph Strohm
“The Meaux Group and John Calvin” by Jonathan A. Reid
“The Sounds and Silence of the Early Reformation in Geneva in Jeanne De Jussie’s Short Chronicle” by Carrie F. Klaus
“Calvin, Farel, Roussel, and the French ‘Nicodemites’” by Michael W. Bruening
“‘Those Satanic Anabaptists’: Calvin, Soul Sleep and the Search for an Anabaptist Nemesis” by Brian C. Brewer
“Confessions, Conscience, and Coercion in the Early Calvin” by John L. Thompson
“John Calvin and the First Eucharistic Controversy” by Amy Nelson Burnett
“Calvin on the Early Reformation” by Barbara Pitkin
2015 COLLOQUIUM: Barbara Pitkin, ed., Semper Reformanda: John Calvin, Worship, and Reformed Traditions (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018)
"Le glaive de la parolle véritable: The Will of God and Divine Worship Guillaume Farel’s Later Writings" by Jason Zuidema
"By Your Spirit: The Pneumatology of Sixteenth-Century Reformed Liturgies for the Lord’s Supper" by Sue Rozeboom
"Permeable Borders: Cross-Confessional Encounters and Traditions in Reformation Geneva" by Karin Maag
"The Quest for Anonymity: Laurent de Normandie, His Colporteurs, and the Expansion of Reformed Communities through Worship" by Jeannine Olson
"The Material Culture of the Lord’s Supper: Adiaphora, Beakers and Communion Plate in the Dutch Republic" by Andrew Spicer
"Voetius Outscored" by Randall Engle
"The Seduction of Idols: Dutch Calvinist Readings of Worship and Society in Seventeenth-Century Asia" by Charles H. Parker
"Toward a Reformed Theory of Ritual in Modernity" by Theodore M. Vial
2013 Colloquium: Karen E. Spierling, ed., Calvin and the BooK: The Evolution of the Printed Word in Reformed Protestantism (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2015)
"Calvin and Luther as Men of the Book" by Andrew Pettegree
"Practicing the Books of Discipline: The Problem of Equality before the Law in Scottish Parish Consistories" by Margo Todd
"Replacing Calvin? The Catechism of Calvin in Eighteenth-Century Geneva" by Jennifer Powell McNutt
"Calvin the Historian: Biblical Antiquity and Scriptural Exegesis in the Quest for a Meaningful Past" by Euan Cameron
"Creating a Reformed Book of Knowledge: Immanuel Tremellius, Franciscus Junius, and Their Latin Bible,1580–1590" by Bruce Gordon
"God’s Play: Calvin, Theatre, and the Rise of the Book" by William Dyrness
"'Even More Deeply Moved': Calvin on the Rhetorical, Formational Function of Scripture and Doctrine" by Matthew Myer Boulton
2011 COLLOQUIUM: R. Ward Holder, ed., calvin and Luther: The continuing Relationship (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013)
"Calvin and Luther: The Relationship that Still Echoes" by R. Ward Holder
"Luther and Calvin on the Nature and Function of Prophecy: The Case of the Minor Prophets" by G. Sujin Pak
"'Forgetting him selfe after a most filthie and shamefull sorte': Martin Luther and John Calvin on Genesis 9" by David M. Whitford
"Theology and Music for Luther and Calvin" by Paul Westermeyer
"Philip Melanchthon and John Calvin against Andreas Osiander: Coming to Terms with Forensic Justification" by Timothy J. Wengert
Postscript on the Religious Emotions in the Late- and Post-Reformation Era: Path Dependence and Innovation" by Susan C. Karant-Nunn
"Reconciliation and the Confession of Sins: The Evidence from the Consistory in Calvin's Geneva" by Jeffrey R. Watt
"The Prophet of the German Nation and Other Saint ·Sinner Martyrs among the Lutheran Stars" by Robert Kolb
Intra-Protestant Conflicts in 16'h Century Poland and Prussia -The Case of Benedict Morgenstern" by Henning P. Jurgens
"The Contemporary Reception of Luther and Calvin's Doctrine of Union with Christ: Mapping a Biblical, Catholic, and Reformational Motif" by J. Todd Billings
"The Church as Mother: The Theme of Union in Christ in Calvin's and
Luther's Ecclesiology" by Theresa F. Latini"United And Divided: Luther and Calvin in Modern Protestant Theology" by Christine Helmer
2009 Colloquium: John Calvin, Myth and RealitY (WIPF and STOCK, 2011)
"Demoting Calvin: The Issue of Calvin and the Reformed Tradition" by Richard A. Muller
"Calvin Never Changed His Mind - or Did He? Evidence from the Young Reformer's Teaching on Prayer" by Elsie Anne McKee
"The Good, the Bad, and the Indifferent: Myths, Realities, and Ambiguities in Calvin's Teaching about Women" by John L. Thompson
"Calvin and Church Discipline: Penance, Apology, and Reconciliation" by Diane C. Margolf
"The Elders' Gaze: Women and Consistorial Discipline in Late Sixteenth-Century France" by Graeme Murdock
"Elements of Calvin's Theology and Practice in the Reformed Churches of Java in the Seventeenth Century" by Yudha Thianto
"A Devil's Siren or an Angel's Throat? The Pipe Organ Controversy among the Calvinists" by Randall D. Engle
"'Cruel, Cold and False': Calvin and the Calvinists through the Eyes of Their Dutch Opponents (1566-1619)" by Mirjam G. K. van Veen
"Calvinism at the Borders of the Empire: Johannes Wigand and the Lutheran Reaction to Calvinism" by Irene Dingel
"Respect for the Word: What Calvin and Wittgenstein Had against Images" by Constantin Fasolt
"Gracious Provision: Calvin and His Heirs on Political Order" by David T. Koyzis
"The Doctrine of Scripture in the Calvinist Churches in Korea" by Jay J. Shim
2007 Colloquium: john Calvin and Roman Catholicism (BAKER ACADEMIC, 2008)
“Introduction: Why John Calvin and Roman Catholicism?” by Randall C. Zachman
“Roman Catholic Lives of Calvin from Bolsec to Richelieu: Why the Interest?” by Irena Backus
“Calvin and the Nicodemites” by George H. Tavard, AA
“Friend and Foe: Reformed Genevans and Catholic Neighbors in the Time of Calvin” by Karen E. Spierling
“Rules of Engagement: Catholics and Protestants in the Diocese of Geneva, 1580-1633” by Jill Fehleison
“In partibus infidelium: Calvinism and Catholic Identity in the Dutch Republic” by Charles H. Parker
“John Calvin, Accidental Anthropologist” by Carlos M. N. Eire
“Revising the Reform: What Calvin Learned from Dialogue with the Roman Catholics” by Randall C. Zachman
“Calvin and Sacramentality: A Catholic Perspective” by Dennis E. Tamburello
2005 Colloquium: "Calvin, Beza and Later Calvinism"
“Calvin, Beza and the Defense of Marriage in the Sixteenth Century” by Christopher Elwood; a response by Herman J. Selderhuis
“The Journey Toward Geneva: Theodore Beza's Conversion, 1535-1548" by Scott M. Manetsch; a response by Jon Balserak
"The 'Crisping Pins of Anti-Christian Fashions': The Politics of Reformed Worship in the 1630s and the 1640s" by Carl R. Trueman; a response by Daniel Eppley
“Word against Image: A Reconsideration of Calvin's View on the Role of Art in Worship" by Michael Monheit; a response by Darlene Flaming
“Calvin’s Concern with Certainty in the Context of the Sixteenth Century” by Susan E. Schreiner; a response by John L. Thompson
“Hardened Hearts, Hardened Words: Calvin, Beza and the Trajectory of Signification" by Thomas J. Davis; a response by R. Scott Clark
“A Matter of Substance: Theodore Beza to Rene Descartes" by Jill P. Raitt; a response by Otto H. Selles
2003 Colloquium: "Calvin And The Company of Pastors" ($15)
"These Holy Men: Calvin's Patristic Models for Establishing the Company of Pastors" by Irena Backus; a response by A. N. S. Lane
"The Congrégation: An In-Service Training Center for Preachers to the People of Geneva" by Erik A. deBoer; a response by G. Sujin Pak
"A Tale of Three Churches: Parishes and Pastors in Basel, Strasbourg, and Geneva" by Amy Nelson Burnett; a response by Gary Hansen
"Calvin and Erasmus on Pastoral Formation" by Laurel Carrington
"The Apostolic and Pastoral Office: Theory and Practice in Calvin's Geneva" by Darlene K. Flaming; a response by Thomas J. Davis
"Calvin's Exegetical Understanding of the Office of Pastor" by R. Ward Holder; a response by Tom Trinidad
"Pastors in the French and Hungarian Reformed Churches: Two Models of Reform" by Glenn S. Sunshine
2002 Colloquium: "John Calvin and the Interpretation of Scripture"
“Calvin's Commentary and Sermons on Acts 1-7: a Comparison" by David F. Wright
“Calvin's Sermons on Ephesians: Expounding and Applying Scripture" by Randall Zachman
“John Calvin and the Sensus Literalis” by Richard Burnett
“John Calvin's Non-Literal Interpretation of Scripture: On Allegory" by Gary Neal Hansen
“Calvin and Patterns of Identity in Reformed Theology” by Merwyn Johnson
“The Role of Scripture in Calvin's Doctrine of Justification” by Anthony N. S. Lane
2001 Colloquium: "Calvin And The Church" ($15)
"Calvin and State in Calvin's Geneva" by William G. Naphy
"Acting on Calvin's Ideas: The Church in France" by Raymond A. Mentzer; a response by Glenn S. Sunshine
"Church on Stage: Calvin's Dynamic Ecclesiology" by Herman J. Selderhuis; a response by H. Ward Holder
"Calvin, the Church and Ethics" by Guenther (Gene) Haas; a response by Arie G. Griffioen
"The Polemic Against Calvin: The Origins and Consequences of Historical Reputation" by Merilynne Robinson
"He Who Is Not Capable of One Is Not Capable of the Other: Calvin, Baptism and Excommunication in Sixteenth-Century Geneva" by Karen E. Spierling; a response by Elsie Anne McKee
"Children and the Church in Calvin's Geneva" by Barbara Pitkin; a response by I. John Hesselink
2000 Colloquium: "John Calvin and the Interpretation of Scripture"
“Faith between God and the Devil: Calvin's Doctrine of Faith as Reflected in his Commentary on the Psalms" by Herman Selderhuis
“The Legacy of Peter Martyr and the Martyr Translation Project” by Frank James
“A Tale of Two Simultaneities: Justification and Sanctification in Calvin and Barth" by George Hunsinger
“The Sealing with the Holy Spirit in Bucer and Calvin” by Willem van’t Spijker
“The Irony of Contemporary Presbyterian Worship” by Darryl Hart
1999 Colloquium: "The Legacy of John Calvin" ($15)
"Calvin's Academic and Educational Legacy" by Karin Maag; a response by W. Fred Graham
"Calvin's Exegetical Legacy: His Reception and Transmission of Text and Tradition" by John L. Thompson; a response by Barbara Pitkin
"Calvin's Ethical Legacy" by Merwyn S. Johnson
"Preaching and Presence: Constructing Calvin's Homiletical Legacy" by Thomas J. Davis; a response by Randall C. Zachman
"Calvin's Socio-Political Legacy: Collective Government, Resistance to Tyranny, Discipline" by Robert M. Kingdon; a response by Jeannine E. Olson
"Images and Themes in Calvin's Theology of Liturgy: One Dimension of Calvin's Liturgical Legacy" by John D. Witvliet; a response by R. Ward Holder
"Constructing Tradition: Schleiermacher, Hodge, and the Theological Legacy of John Calvin" by B. A. Gerrish; a response by Philip W. Butin
1998 International congress on Calvin Research: Calvinus Evangelii Propugnator - Calvin, Champion of the Gospel ($15)
“A Search for the Roots of Korean Calvinism in the Religion of John Calvin” by Han, Chul-Ha
“Calvins Denken in Relationen” by Michael Beintker
“New Sources and New Ideas on the Life and Career of Calvin, 1541-1557” by J. William Naphy
“Calvin and Calvinists on Resistance to Government” by Robert M. Kingdon
“Why was Calvin so Severe a Critic of Nicodemism?” by David F Wright
“Toward the Recovery of the Historical Calvin: Redrawing the Map of Reformation Europe” by Heiko Oberman
“Calvin and the Good Life: Augustine's Logic of uti/frui in Institutes 3:10” by Kyung-Y. Burchill-Limb
“The Young Calvin and Later Calvin: Changes in His Theology” by Yang Ho Lee
“Mettre ordre en l'Eglise de Dieu: The Election of Officers in Calvin's Sermons on the Acts of the Apostles” by Wilhelmus H. Th. Moehn
“Calvin lecteur de la Bible en chaire” by Max Engammare
“Calvins Gebrauch des Begriffs ‘religio’” by Peter Opitz
“ Providence in Calvin: Calvin's View of God's Use of Means (media) in his Acts of Providence” by Pieter C. Potgieter
“Calvin and Beza: The Role of the Decree-Execution Distinction in their Theologies” by Donald W. Sinnema
1998 Calvin Conference ($15)
"Calvin's Theology of the Psalms" by Herman Selderhuis
"Bondage and Liberation in Calvin's Treatise Against Pighius" by A.N.S. Lane
"Was John Calvin a 'Rhetorical A Theologian'?" by David F. Wright
"Directions in Calvin Research" by Richard A. Muller
"Calvin: A Prophet Without a Prophecy" by Max Engammare
"Reflections on the State of Reformed Theology in Central Europe" by Gerhard Sauter
"Efforts to Control Hate in Calvin's Geneva" by Robert M. Kingdon
1996 Calvin Conference: The Westminster Confession in Current Thought ($15)
"The Westminster Confession in Its Historical, Social and Theological Context" by John H. Leith
“The Only Way of Man’s Salvation: Scripture in the Westminster Confession" by Richard A. Muller
"Baptists and the Westminster Confession" by Timothy George
"The Influence of the Westminster Confession of Faith on American Culture" by James C. Goodloe IV
"Heinrich Bullinger, the Covenant, and the Reformed Tradition in Retrospect" by J. Wayne Baker
"Baptism at the Westminster Assembly" by David Wright
"The Westminster Directory and Reform of Worship" by Stanley R. Hall
"The Spirituality of the Church, the Westminster Standards, and Nineteenth-Century American Presbyterianism" by D. G. Hart
1994 Calvin Conference ($15)
"Christ's Ministry and Ours: A Trinitarian and Reformed Perspective on the Ministry of the Whole People of God" by Philip W. Butin
"Sixteenth-Century Reformed Perspectives on the Minority Church" by David F. Wright
"Barth as a Scholar and Interpreter of Calvin" by William Klempa
"Calvin as Evangelist: A Sturdy of the Reformer's Sermons in Preparation for the Christian Celebration of Passover" by Hughes Oliphant Old
"What is Reformed Spirituality? Played Over Again Lightly" by Hughes Oliphant Old
"Matthew Henry and the Puritan Discipline of Prayer" by Hughes Oliphant Old
"Calvin and the Dilemma of Hypocrisy" by William J. Bouwsma
"The Law in John Calvin's Ethics" by William F. Keesecker
"Calvin's Conversion to Teachableness" by Wilhelm H. Neuser
"Persuasion in Calvin's Theology: Implications for His Ethics" by E. David Willis
"Calvin and the Sixth Commandment" by Daniel A. Augsburger
"A Scrap of Bread and a Right Conscience" by David Foxgrover